
Going online during #COVID-19

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Thinking about online ordering, but not sure where to start?

We’re facing a truly unprecedented situation, and the COVID19 pandemic is making a serious impact on the restaurant and takeaways industry in Ireland. It comes as no surprise that the businesses who thrive, will be the ones who adapted early and went online.

To help our loyal customers make the most out of the online ordering opportunity, we’ve partnered with Flipdish.  Flipdish are the market leader in websites & apps for foodservice operators. They specialise in getting food businesses like yours online. We’ve been working hard to put together some added value services to support you, our loyal customers at this time and we’ve secured an exclusive package with Flipdish for our Food Alliance members, see full details here.

As part of this partnership, we also have an exciting opportunity to bring you a team of marketing experts into your business at no additional cost. Simply redeem your Food Alliance points to get three months of professional marketing support for your business! Full details here.

It’s a whole new world for the Food Industry!

The industry trends emerging in the restaurant and hospitalty sector are very positive despite the huge impact of COVID19. Though many businesses have closed, those that are reopening have pivoted and adjusted services to account for the lockdown measures.

Don’t believe us? According to Flipdish, the number of online orders for takeaway and food delivery in Germany has jumped a massive 245% during the COVID-19 crisis, while the average order value per delivery is up 20%. Published in April of 2020, this indicates a strong cultural shift towards ordering online. Which means that now more than ever it’s vital that you get your future-proof your business by online. There’s so many reasons to and the perks speak for themselves!

However, lucky for you we’ve done the legwork and listed just some of the key benefits of the Food Alliance Member Package below to give you some food for thought.

Save a Fortune

The package is ideal for customers who are looking to trial ordering online due to COVID-19. There are so many market alternatives out there, but enjoy great savings with our super low 6% transaction fee which only applies to Kepak Customers. However we’re sure that once you see the results of online ordering within your business you’ll want to stick with it, and what’s a trial will turn into a long-term solution that revolutionizes your business. We’ve got you covered, and with no recurring monthly fees or hidden charges, menu updates are 100% FREE, this solution works perfectly in the long term too.

Increase Revenue

As well as the great savings from the super low 6% transaction fee which only applies to Kepak Customers and the amazing StartUp Package. Why not fuel your online order sales with the Marketing Support Package? Discounted from 65000 Food Alliance points to 15000, get 3 months professional marketing support for your business today with no cash needed! Get the experts help to transform your social media and search marketing and watch the transformation happen. The marketing experts at Flipdish will work with you to understand your brand, which means you can get back to focusing on running the business and watch the orders start to grow in numbers and basket size!

Make sure you go through our Food Alliance page here to get these amazing savings.

Updated Sales Numbers

With Flipdish, you will have even more insight than ever before into your orders and your numbers. An incredible tool of it’s own right. If you go with the Marketing Support Package, you will also be given marketing reports full of actionable insights every month. Safe-gaurding your business through these uncertain times will never be so easy with all this information at your finger tips.

Improve Customer Satisfaction

This solution has the fastest food ordering app on the market! The 2-tap order app offers better customer experience and helps you build a strong relationship with your customers through the loyalty program. Having your business set up for online ordering means that your customers can easily find you online to see what’s new on the menu, how to contact you, and of course, when you’re open! When before they could only ring and hope the phone gets answered, they will now be able to see for themselves on an easy-to find website, place an order, repeat previous orders and even track the progress on current orders. It’s that easy.

Build Closer relationships with your Customers

Build your relationship by offering your products and services online, service this new demand and watch your business grow. Now that your customers know where to find you, they can start to engage with you more online. Particularly if you go for the Marketing Support Package, watch as your customers start to build a community that’s all about your products and your brand. Exciting stuff!

Grow Customer Spend Per Order

Customers are typically placing larger orders during the crisis. Flipdish data shows that the average online order value per customer has increased by 36% within a month (April 8th compared to March 11th) – with the average order jumping from €22 to €30. That’s a significant increase and €30 represents a strong order value. With more people ordering food online for a larger number of people who are confined at home, there’s a larger opportunity just waiting for you to take advantage of in your local area.

Delivery Dilemma?

With delivery costs accounting for a larger portion of running costs, these higher order values really help to boost efficiency and margins. Not only this, but we’ll help you with it. As a Kepak customer you will receive expedited services to support you in your new online takeaway service. More about that here. 


These are just some of the key benefits and discussion points for online ordering, check out our dedicated Online Ordering page here to get all the info.



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