
Big Al’s on Tour: Re-live 2017 Events and The Pub Food Sector

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You may have heard by now, but we’re going to be attending each of the eilive 2017 pub trade shows, taking place across the UK. We’ll be travelling across the UK taking part in the pub sector’s biggest trade shows with Ei Group.

With food now the main driver for customer’s visiting pubs, it is more important than ever for a publican to ensure his or her offer is spot on. Darragh Gilhawley is our head of business development in the UK and offers some insight for creating a quick and easy pub menu.


“Some of the most popular times for people to eat out in pubs will be during events, be that St. Patrick’s Day, The Six Nations final or any other social or sporting extravaganza. With that in mind, pubs will often have a lot of orders to process at the same time and having menu options that are quick will reduce wait time and prevent queuing.  Our range cooks from frozen in just minutes and that can be the difference between a party leaving your pub because of wait time, or sticking around for some food and drinks. This is especially true with sporting events – you’ll get a rush before it starts, during half time (if there is one) and between back-to-back fixtures, so the ability to turn around high volumes of orders in a short window is invaluable”


“Letting your menu stagnate is a recipe for disaster. Take a look at competitors; nobody will be selling stocky beef stews in the height of summer, and the ability to adapt your food offer to match seasonal demand will ensure you keep customers interested throughout the year. However, regularly changing your menu can be an expensive business, which is the main reason so many operators put it off. Stock versatile ingredients that can be adapted to various food offers; pulled pork is a versatile inclusion for this and can be used for rice dish and BBQ toppings as well as burger and nachos menu options. We recently explained how versatility with our BBQ Pork Rib Steak is its greatest asset – so that is also worth checking out [link to blog]”


“I’ve spoken about the need for quick food offers when faced with the challenge of a bustling pub filled with hungry mouths. This is the best kind of problem you’ll face as a publican, but it can present issues nonetheless. Even if you are able to serve up food in minutes if your pub is packed to the rafter, where will customers sit to eat their food? The most convenient solution to this is handheld food.  Whether in there to watch the football or simply soak up the atmosphere of a busy bank holiday, handheld options like our Italian Twist Pizzas or hot dogs can be enjoyed while standing which means a busy pub really isn’t a problem!”


“This can be a tricky one to get right, especially considering the three previous qualities your menu needs to achieve simultaneously. However, it all comes back to offering personalisation in your offer, in creating a more rounded experience for your customer than the simple transactional quality of exchanging money for food. We have spoken a lot about personalisation recently, but not without good reason. Offering additions extra, toppings or specialist sides adds authenticity to a customer’s order, it’s this experience that will set your offer apart from competitors and get customers talking, recommending and, importantly, returning to you.”

Come say ‘hi’

Got any questions on the above or interested in finding out how Big Al’s can revolutionise your menu in a way that’s both time and cost efficient? We’ll be at all of the eilive 2017 shows, listed below – so come along to your nearest one and find us.

Register online and get involved!

eilive 2017 dates

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