
Pub Sector to Profit from Big Al’s Latest Concept Launch

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Big Al’s is an industry leader in helping foodservice operators improve their menu offer. The launch of its latest Pub Grub Concept will revolutionise how publicans can market their food offer and attract new customers as well as reaching a wider customer base. The Pub Grub concept was launched at eilive 2017, where an exclusive first look at the concept will be available at each of the remaining trade shows. The launch comes at a pivotal time for publicans, with 82% of UK adults now eating out in pubs.

Big Al’s Pub Grub concept includes a downloadable, editable menu to provide publicans with inspiration for their food offer that can be adapted to match the demands of their customers and reflect seasonal food trends. It also includes a Cook Time Guide, POS and checklist for getting started with a food offering.

Designed to incorporate seamlessly with little by way of heavy branding, this concept will look at home in any pub. It features a classic wood, chalk and blackboard design that provides relevance for all pubs, regardless of target audience. The design uses a simple execution of the hanging sign and the associations of familiarity and relaxation that this represents as well as giving the impression food has been prepared on site.

Darragh Gilhawley, Head of Business Development UK at Big Al’s, commented on the new concept:

We’re pleased to have been able to launch a tool we believe will help publicans grab a taste of the action and take greater advantage of the food market, which has become pivotal for operators over the last decade, with 9% growth expected in food-led pubs.

“The independent pub sector has had a number of challenges in recent years with rising rates, tighter margins and rising wage costs. As consumers’ drinking habits change, Big Al’s has developed a solution for operators. Even selling just 10 more burgers a day could equate to an extra £12k per year with our easily accessible food proposition.”

Big Al’s food concepts have a proven record of helping foodservice outlets revolutionise their menu offer across a number of sectors, including travel & leisure, stadia and education. This latest concept offers a cost effective route to market for publicans, helping them attract new customers and give their menu a modern refresh that communicates quality and authenticity.

The Big Al’s product range goes hand-in-hand with a pub’s food offer. Fully cooked and served from frozen in just minutes using only a microwave the range, which includes burgers, wings, hot dogs and pizzas, is the ideal solution. This makes Big Al’s a cost effective solution while also reducing wait-time and bottle necking at the bar, so customers can be served quickly and efficiently. With so many tasty, handheld options, publicans are still able to offer a delicious menu even when they’ve run out of tables during busy occasions like live sporting events.

Find out more about Big Al’s NEW Pub Grub Food Concept here.

Big Al’s recently launched its Pub Food Guide, which provides inspiration, ideas and advice for publicans on perfecting their food offer. You can download Big Al’s Pub Food Guide here


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