
4 Ways To Encourage Customer To Interact On Your Social Channels

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There is a whole conversation going on in the digital world and unless you’ve got your social media channels optimised, you’re not part of it. There are a bundle of benefits to be gained from honing your social media presence – greater exposure, brand awareness and increased footfall in your venue being just a few of them.

There are a few things you can do to to encourage customers to interact on your social channels.

Aesthetic dishes

How a dish looks when it is served to your customers has always been important, but now it’s crucial in terms of social media engagement. By presenting your food in a way that makes them visually appealing, your chances of populating customers’ social channels are greatly improved. Consider what you’re serving on; is it slate, wooden boards, impressive crockery? Does it look like a lot of work has gone into its preparation and arrangement? How much attention-grabbing colour is in your dish? These are all some of the considerations if you want to serve insta-ready meals!

Innovative recipes

By providing new, interesting and innovative recipes, customers have something unique they can tell their friends, family and followers about. Consider how you can adapt existing classics, such as burgers, to make them new and exciting. This will generate a discussion point and increase the chance of achieving engagement on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook


Let customers make their meal their own. Give them options to personalise, customise and premiumise and they’ll share their creation with the world. Burgers and hot dogs lend themselves well to this; bacon, cheese, avocado, pulled pork are just some of the additional extras you can offer. If a customer is served something they consider unique to them, or that they have had a hand in creating, they are more likely to post this to their channels and drive awareness of your venue and menu.

Hashtag it #

#Foodporn is one of the most widely used hashtags. Coming up with a witty tag will help customers engage with your offering, and help you track the reach of your social success.

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