
Beef is on The Rise in the Pub & Bar Foods

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Beef Overtaking Chicken in Pub & Restaurant Mains MCA Report

Beef overtakes chicken as largest mains segment in managed pub/bar restaurants. Beef is the largest protein group in pubs and has increased in share by 4% this year, with burgers, stakes and grills prominent on the menus.

Chicken’s share of mains in the fast food segment fell by 3% between 2016 and 2017, led by KFC removing 10 chicken mains from its menu.

By contrast, there have been modest in seafood and vegetarian offerings in fast food.

Source: MCA Report

The MCA Report (formerly M&C Report) is a heavyweight read for senior managers, investors and analysts in the restaurant and pub markets, delivering high-value information on breaking news (online) and insightful analysis (print publication).

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