
Independents Make Guests Feel More Welcome Than Chain Restaurants

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Research by guest experience management experts HospitalityGEM has revealed that 60% of diners feel independent restaurants are the most effective at making guests feel welcome, with chain restaurants and gastro pubs some way behind at 13% and 11% respectively. Bars were highlighted as being least effective, with only 1%.

When considering key touchpoints in a restaurant experience, diners rated them in the following order in terms of which contribute most to making them feel welcome and looked after.

1. Meeting and greeting
2. Efficient provision of bill and processing of payment
3. Offer of second drinks/sides/add ons
4. Being guided through the menu
5. Communication on departure

Steven Pike, managing director of Hospitality GEM, commented: “These results are reflective of the trend towards less formal situations for eating out, particularly among younger generations, but they also highlight the importance of really effective teamwork and attentiveness throughout a guest’s experience. This means recruiting people with the ability to interact well with their colleagues as well as with diners. But it also requires a very clear set of operational processes so that the service appears fluid.”

Source: QSR Magazine 2016

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