
See your Bonfire night profits rocket

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Bonfire Night[intro]Licensees looking to serve easy to prepare food on Bonfire Night are being urged to consider a fast-growing range of frozen burgers which can be cooked in less time than it takes to light a firework.[/intro]

Kepak Foodservice, suppliers of the Big Al’s range of microwavable beef burgers, chicken grills and BBQ pork ribsteaks, says the products can help your Bonfire Night celebrations go with an even bigger bang.

The tasty range gives premises the perfect opportunity to serve quality food, quickly and easily. Wet-only outlets can use this as a way to introduce a hot food option for customers eager for an appetising snack. In addition, the range also delivers a cash margin almost double that of a pint of bitter.

During busy times like Bonfire Night, Big Al’s Flame Cooked Range provides the perfect answer – cooked from frozen in less than two minutes and featuring a unique flame-cooked taste and appearance.

Danny Hindle, landlord of the Railway Pub in Leyland Preston, commented:

“Big Al’s products are a really quick and easy way to feed a lot of hungry customers in a short space of time – especially on occasions like Bonfire Night.

“Bonfire Night is normally cold and Big Al’s will not only warm up a hungry crowd, but the food will be ready by the time their pint has settled – meaning no hanging around or missing out on the excitement outside. Additionally, the profit margin is fantastic, so for wet-only pubs it’s the ideal product to boost sales and increase wet sales at the same time.”

Hundreds of outlets across the UK have already introduced Big Al’s pre-cooked frozen beef burgers, chicken grills and BBQ pork ribsteaks, meeting demand from the growing number of customers who want a competitively priced hot snack.

Kepak Foodservice’s Business Development Director, Aoife Kenny, says:

“The Big Al’s range is a profitable, convenient way for outlets to introduce hot food. Unlike many frozen meat products, Big Al’s offers a flame cooked taste and appearance as if cooked from fresh.

“Many outlets simply do not have the budget to employ a professional chef or buy catering equipment, but want to capitalise on busy occasions like Bonfire Night. This frozen range just requires a freezer for storage and a microwave to cook the food. Not only that, over the Bonfire Night weekend this year, the fast cooking time will enable bar staff to cook the burger whilst the customer continues to enjoy the fireworks!”

For more information, please call Rebecca Oldham or Martin Jackson on 01772 421 442 or email

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