5 Considerations for Foodservice Operators as the Country Starts to Re-Open
It’s been an interesting time for us all, we’re struggling to adopt our new public safety measures whilst also navigating businesses through these new challenges. There has been incredible innovation around the world, and the Irish Foodservice business is no different.
Whether you’re just about to reopen for the first time or you’ve already adapted, Here’s the top 5 key considerations you need to remember before you open your doors during #COVID19….
In-store Signage
The HSA (Health and Safety Authority for Ireland) has overall responsibility for health and safety at work in Ireland. They have published the Return to Work Safely Protocol which is designed to support employers and workers in preventing the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace as the economy slowly opens up. The HSA site has published posters, tips and advice on how best to protect your employees during the COVID-19 situation, but here’s a quick list to get you started!
Posters: On the HSA site you will see all the most up to date govenment signage in every shape and format you might need it in. These are the official government approved versions and while it’s tempting to adapt the designs, we recommend keeping them as they are for credibility. It’s all about customer safety!
Floor signing: We’ve gotten used to signs on the walls and in windows, but floor signs play a pivotal role in customer safety also. Floor signs which remind us how far 2 meters apart are very useful for when customers might have to que outside or around your outlet. Ultimately, making it much easier for everyone to follow the safety rules.
Glass partitions: We know that your staff’s safety is top priority right now and glass partitions play a vital role here. Make sure you have yours positioned anywhere that the customer must interact with your staff member for max comfort.
Hand sanitizers: Not only is it vital that we wash our hands and sanitize regularly after touching anything, but it’s also hugely reassuring to your customers to place these hand sanitizers around your outlet for your customers.
A great example of this is with Chris’ Fish N Chips Barwell, we’ve taken some of their images from social media so you can have a look for yourself
Communicating with your customer
As a community, we’re going through a massive transformation as we adjust to this new world’s rules and regulations. Communicating and engaging with your local community and supporters will be much appreciated. The important thing to remember as you do, is that you still remember who and what your brand is. We’re all so used to the somber communications from the government, why not sprinkle back the fun into your updates?
We know you’ve got to stay appropriate and consider what’s happening. However, people are craving good news stories, cute GIFs and the fun-factor that we know our customers exude!
If this sounds like simply too much to consider on your already-packed day, why not check out Marketing Support Package? Get 3 month’s expert marketing support for your business and feed your online orders! You can even use your Food Alliance points and get it for Free. Check it out here for more details.
Re-thinking Your Menu
It’s a better time than ever to re-evaluate your menu, you also don’t even need to offer your full menu. Your customers will understand that we’re all operating under difficult circumstances, and with staffing issues being a key constraint, offering your key core favorites can be enough.
Keep profitability a key focus when choosing your new smaller menu. We’ve given it some thought, and come up with some ideas, inspiration and advice to help future-proof your menu. You can read more about How to Optimise your Menu here.
If you’re still looking for some guidance, we have the perfect solution for you. Why not Book a consultation with the menu chef? In this menu consultation you will be looking at new menu ideas, limited time offers and chatting through new menu trends with our resident expert chef. This one hour one to one session will spice up your menu and give it a real kick! Check our your Food Alliance rewards now to get more details.
Going for Contactless Delivery
It’s all about reducing contact these days, and for many it’s the delivery which is the main point of worry. We know that part of this is not rational, as according to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and other leading experts in food safety. Food and food packaging are not directly associated with transmission of the virus. However most people are not aware of this, and their fear is more around delivery drivers.
Here’s a few ideas to combat this!
- Credit Card payments only, did you know that the limit of tap transactions for your card is now €50? Great for customers who are wary of touching keypads, all you need to do is encourage your staff and leave signage to remind people.
- Curb Collections, If you’re thinking of offering collections to your customers, why not reassure and encourage your customers that you can leave the takeaway at the curb, in the boot of their car, or any number of socially distanced options?
- Contactless Delivery tells your customers to specify they want a contactless delivery when they order, outlining the above options as well as reassuring them that you’re happy to leave their delivery where they need it to be. We’ve heard some amazing stories from our customers from the start of #COVID19 where they left deliveries in fields and walls around the country to keep their customers happy!
If you’re thinking about delivery in more detail, don’t forget our Blog on the Top 3 Delivery Options for more tips & advice.
Staff PPE & Training
To quote our partners Flipdish, they recommend training your employees to the point that they don’t have to think about safety anymore. Going through the safety protocols with your staff in depth will also reassure them of their safety while at work and may put them at ease. We have seen some of our customers start to check temperatures of their employees when they enter the premises.
PPE is any device or appliance designed to be worn by someone to protect against health and safety hazards. The HSA site has extensive and thorough advice on PPE for employers and employees, we would recommend checking in here for advice relevant to your situation.
In trade, we’re seeing many of our customers adopt these rules thoroughly and adapting to their own outlet and customers in their own unique ways.
Most importantly, not only are they adapting, but they’re communicating these safety measures thoroughly to their customers with great effects.
Don’t forget, If you’re thinking about getting up and running for online ordering but not quite sure where to start, you can read more about it here. If you’re opening your doors but never went online, why not try check out our Online Ordering Package with Flipdish? Get started today!