
Make a Tasty Profit on Quiz Night with Big Al’s

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Pub Quiz[intro]Quiz nights are fun and busy affairs and the perfect opportunity to up sell on snack products whilst your customers enjoy a few drinks.[/intro]

Smart licensees can boost profits by stocking up on the easy-to-prepare Big Al’s Flame Cooked range which are ideal for hungry quiz teams, plus they are easy to advertise as the range is backed by posters, menus and price cards enabling stockists to set their own profits.

Big Al’s Flame Cooked range of frozen pre-cooked beef burgers, chicken grills and BBQ pork ribsteaks provide a quality but convenient menu option that is ideal for both mixed and wet-only establishments.

The range reheats from frozen in under two minutes and features a unique flame-cooked taste and appearance, perfect for times when customer demand is high and you need to turn around a quality product quickly.

Even better news for licensees is the fact the Big Al’s range is ideal for premises which do not have kitchen facilities or employ a chef. All you need is a microwave and barstaff who know how to use one. Why not offer quiz night pint and burger deals, or for those who want to make more of a meal of it, add garnish, cheese, relish and a portion of chips for a smart snack that hits the spot.

The Big Al’s range can also deliver a cash margin almost double that of a pint of bitter and, because the range is frozen, there is no waste.

Kepak Foodservice’s Business Development Director Aoife Kenny said:

“The pub quiz is often the busiest night in the working week and competitors may have skipped dinner to join their group of friends. Offering quick but quality food whilst they are concentrating on beating the other teams is a winning ingredient for your profits.

“Feedback from customers at hundreds of outlets that have taken the Big Al’s range is excellent and licensees with limited facilities for food should try the Big Al’s range for a tasty profit-boosting experience.”

For more information, please call Rebecca Oldham or Martin Jackson on 01772 421 442 or email

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