
Make The Most of Televised Rugby Matches

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It’s set to be a big month for rugby! With plenty of customers looking to watch matches in their local pub or bar with
friends, now is the perfect time to make sure your food offering is up to scratch.

To help you make the most of the rugby opportunity, Ed Robinson, UK Foodservice Manager for Big Al’s Foodservice, gives his top tips for serving food during matches:

When customers watch sports matches in pubs or bars, they’re looking for snacks which are easy to eat so they don’t cause too much distraction from the action on-screen. Handheld snacks like burgers present the ideal solution – and they can also be eaten whilst standing up during busy times.

Simplify your food offering during matches to make serving time quicker. A simple burger, for example, is a filling, stand-alone snack which can be prepared quickly and needs no accompaniment.

Stock up on sharing snacks. A bucket or basket of chicken wings presents the ideal match snack and will generate very little washing up which is perfect for times of high footfall.

Offer special food deals at specific times before the match to entice customers in early and boost wet sales. After the match, you could have a tray of burgers ready to offer round to customers – the smell of a delicious burger will be difficult to resist!

Pre-cooked snacks are a great way to ensure you can cater for large crowds with consistent quality and no food safety worries. Big Al’s burgers and mesquite chicken wings, for example, are flame cooked for a delicious taste every time and can be microwaved to order from frozen, reducing waste.

Offering special ‘beer and burger’ deals before, during and after matches is a simple way to encourage sales. Promote the offers via POS and on social media to attract customers.

The Big Al’s range is backed by menus and tent cards. For more information on the range please call 01772 688 300.

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